Date: Sunday, May 7, 2006 Dateline: Holland
Den Hague is boring they all go to bed around midnight on the weekends. I doubt if anyone
there knows the cost of a gram of Afghanistani hash. In Amsterdam it is seven euros or more
but not much less for a gram. That’s expensive, my hotel in the Dutch capital was reasonable.
In a bar I met a Dutch helicopter pilot, on leave who operated an Apache out of Kabul. Boris
was his name and his job in Afghanistan was to track U.S. truck convoys delivering supplies
to the northern provinces. In the north, he told me, they have Burger King restaurants but
none in Kabul. So the pilots would load the Apache with burgers in the north before returning
to Kabul. Just before Boris went on leave, two of his fellow pilots crashed on the way back
from the north. The copter went straight down, nose diving at tremendous speed.
Miraculously both pilots survived the crash but one had his legs busted up. The terrain was
too rocky for the rescue copter to land close by so the healthy pilot carried his friend out on
his back just before the copter caught fire. A few days later, when the salvage team came in
they discovered the pilot had carried his colleague through a mine field. The crash went down
as a mechanical malfunction but Boris just shrugged when I asked if the Apache was
overloaded with hashish in Whopper boxes.
Had I been to Afghanistan, Boris wanted to know. It was on my itinerary and Boris confirmed
what Kenneth Sangar had told me, you could see the aurora borealis from the northern
mountains but Boris had never flown that high. He also mentioned that he didn’t smoke
because they drug tested pilots.
A few days later I caught another flight and on board a eureka e-mail arrived. The boys in the
oasis near Baghdad had cracked the freezer problem. Using a series of linked carbon dioxide
misters they had hit -220C. The magnetic field was spinning.
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Fossil fuels and religion | |
Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 Dateline: Washington D.C., U.S.
Oil, Jews, and evangelicals. That’s what we are up against and this is a statement of intent. If
you are into oil and Jews and your parents are devout Christian Catholics, read on:
To be Orthodox, that just turns me around. It’s like listening to the old saw, I can’t stand the
news on TV when there is no news. There are 70 million Israelis and they have 200 nuclear
Given that true democracy is as pure as anarchism would you incur the wrath of authority for
shouting More? To say that neocons had ‘good intentions’--would that make you Japanese?
Enough questions to yes. An engine that didn’t pollute the atmosphere, a bug that likes to eat
radiation, a nation that didn’t build a wall and shared its drinking water, that would guarantee
more centuries of survival on this planet.
What we get is a new generation of nuclear weapons, a collaboration between the Americans
and the English that will probably terminate existing treaties and are not effective unless
those governments plan to destroy the planet. Really, you don’t need fuel and religion if the
final scenario is fossils.
Have you ever heard a dentist say, ‘Stop drilling?’ Nor have I. Satirical works are forecast to
show up in these pages in the future. Unlike segregated or monitored libraries, the satires will
present writers from all ethnic persuasions. A brush up on blasphemy is promised for those
who stay tuned. Wipe out Vulture Fund vultures! P. G.
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Date: Friday, June 30, 2006 Dateline: Akron, Ohio, U.S.A.
It’s hard to find an Internet connection in Akron. Nine out of ten people you ask will direct
you to a highway. Seven out of ten won’t shut their lawnmowers down when answering a
stranger’s question and if you mention laptop they’ll send you to a bar. I didn’t dare ask about
a hotspot. Suggesting that analytic converters be mandatory on all lawnmowers? That might
have gotten me a tire neckless.
During the months of May and June ‘no less than 5,818 Iraqi civilians were killed’. That
information wouldn’t appear in print until August. Total deaths in this protracted war in
August were put at 2,500 American troops and 50,000 Iraqi civilians. Two years ago at least
one credible news source but the number of Iraqi civilian deaths at or near 100,000. Why the
discrepancy? Because the U.S. Army doesn’t register body counts. It did that in Vietnam and
we all should know what happened there. The body counts always favored U.S. troops and
their allies but even exaggerated, the news depressed the public. Recently the Sunday Times
of London put the total death toll in Iraq at 200,000. Then an independent agency put the total
Iraqi death toll at 655,000 which was denied by the American government. The problem now
in Iraq, with around 100 deaths a day, is that the government doesn’t want to call what’s
going on a civil war. And how much is this war costing the U.S. government? Only billion
a month.
As for local news in Ohio during my stay, there wasn’t much of worldly consequence.
Around the country there was plenty going on but if you listened to Fox News on TV you got
the government’s censored reports delivered by bias news readers. If that wasn’t an indication
that democracy was going down the tubes in American and totalitarianism was on the rise, a
new study claimed the Associated Press (AP) favored U.S. government positions in its news
For example, 44 autopsy reports acquired from American military reports and posted on the
American Civil Liberties web site proved that widespread torture had been used by U.S.
forces. The AP did file that report but 98% of U.S. newspapers didn’t pick up the story and
the AP never followed up on coverage. Remember that the AP reaches over a billion people
everyday ‘via print, radio, or television’ and look at their distortions on casualty reports
during the Israel-Palestine conflict. Here you will seen that less Israelis were killed than
reported and more Palestinian died than reported. The list goes on but the fact is that the U.S.
government lies and AP does its bidding. Then you get a real bone crushing statistic for
democracy, American President George W. Bush has an IQ of 91. Another study puts his IQ
between 111 and 120 which still doesn’t explain how he managed to graduate from Yale
University. Obviously he didn’t major in economics. The national budget was balanced when
he became president in 2000. A month later the budget was more than 00 billion in the red
and the national debt was .4 trillion. Two months later it was trillion.
How bad is it? Take one day back in June, the 16th, and note the beast, 6, 16, 06 and here are
another six: 1. Congress passes the draconian indecency TV law that muddles up the airwaves
with bleeps. 2. Media journalists are denied access to Guantanamo Bay prisoners. 3. The
Senate sends the president an additional (hum) 6 billion for military operations in Iraq. 4.
The Supreme Court allows no-knock searches which means if you lock your door you might
not have one anymore. 5. The CBS TV network asks its best journalist, Dan Rather, 74, to
leave on bequest, no doubt, of the government. 6. Congressional Republicans reject timetable
for Iraq military pullout.
The next article will report on how I got out of Ohio without being arrested. Meanwhile I’ll
sign off with some promised blasphemy statistics: ‘With five percent of the world’s
population, the U.S. has a quarter of the world’s prisons [and with] 2.2 million incarcerated,
the most of any nation on earth.’ And, no surprise, with George Bush as governor, the state of
Texas lead the nation in the number of prisoners incarcerated and executed. However in
fairness to Bush, most American prisons were filled during the two presidential terms of Bill
Clinton. With Bush as president in 2006, Halliburton was granted a 85 million contract to
build a network of detention centers across the U.S. Each center could hold up to 5,000
people and could possibly be located on unused military bases and run by homeland security
authorities. This is a ‘contingency contract’ which means it won’t receive a go-ahead if the
public behaves itself after martial law is declared or Mexico decides not to invade. Not
enough? Vice President Dick Cheney may sill call the shots at Halliburton. Question: What’s
the difference between chaos and god? Answer: God is less reliable. Happy flossing, P.G.
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NOTE: To preserve the intergrity of the story, blog entries are in chronological order. First post first, last post last.